Trial Lawyer Arash Homampour discusses his experience with legal reading to identify the core issues and focus on what the big picture is.
I’ve gotten to the point where I can look at something and very quickly identify the issues and really hyper focus on what’s important. I can walk into any deposition, this is just through years of practice, 25 years doing this, trust, being physically healthy, being mentally healthy. I can literally get depo, deposition materials an hour before the deposition, I clean my mind, I come from an empty space, I read it, and then it’s like literally like metaphysical. You know, the things come to me. Cross-examination topics come to me because when I approach a topic I look at it as a human being, not as a lawyer. What’s the big picture implicated by this expert, or by this testimony, or by this topic? Why do human beings care about this topic? Why should human beings care about this topic? So when I look at legal writing, or reading, or depositions, or anything I’m kind of always looking from, what is the big picture, what is the human perspective, rather than the sort of myopic legal particular legal issue that’s implicated.