Trial Lawyer Arash Homampour enjoys the benefits that come from working alongside other trial lawyers in cases.
99% of our cases are referrals from other attorneys and the majority of those, we do as a joint venture, which means we work with the other law firm hand-in-hand, and their level of involvement is up to them. If they want to be on every email, they’re on every email, if they want to be at every deposition, they’re at every deposition. Some law firms have an approach where they take a case and they say just give us the case, we’ll pay you a referral fee, go away. That’s not how we operate. I’ve been taught, and I teach my kids, and I’ve always thought to myself, we can learn from anybody. I don’t care if I’m the best trial lawyer in the universe, I can learn something from the parking lot attendant, to the busboy, to the nurse, to a homeless person. Everyone has something to contribute and it is my job to stay open to receive that love, that information, or whatever new nuance of my existence I can get. And so, if a lawyer has a case that they, it’s their big case, they’re passionate about, they have that connection with the client, I welcome them to come work with me, bring their unique perspective, their young, fresh, sort of out-of-the-box thinking. I welcome that. And together, you know, we can make a huge impact on the world and make a difference for the client. So we are a law firm that really encourages joint ventures. You know, I have young attorneys say, “Well why, why are you interested in what I have to say?” I’m like, “Dude, you know, I want to hear what you have to say. One thing you say may transform the case. It has no, it doesn’t matter that you have no experience, you’re a human being right? Right. Well, what do you see as a human being, what are your fears, what are your concerns?” And so for me it’s just a beautiful thing to get to work with other lawyers. Again, I make friends, I inspire them, they inspire me. We learn from each other and then we get to have fun making a difference for our clients.
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