Trial lawyer Arash Homampour remembers winning his first case.
I couldn’t afford space, so I bartered for space, meaning I would give hours to an attorney, in exchange for having a small office. Didn’t have a secretary, did my own photocopying, did all of that, everything that a young lawyer has to do and more to prove themselves. But I was so hungry and, and I was also patient, and impatient, at the same time, that it was ok. I was so excited to be doing what I love to do and making a difference. I remember when I settled my first case, big case, it was $60,000 and I thought I was like the rock star of rock stars and I thought I was the richest human being on this earth, and, and to this day you know I remember the exhilaration of just getting that amazing result that you know, only comes from hard work and dedication.
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