Trial Lawyer Arash Homampour works to make a broader impact with cases that will influence society for the better.
The future is, you know, there’s this quote that says everybody has an intrinsic talent. And my goal is to take my intrinsic talent and have it have the biggest impact on the world’s need. That’s it, literally. And so the larger cases that we can take on, not necessarily in value, just bigger societal impacts, where we can make a difference, where we can take our unique intrinsic talents and make a broader impact, that’s our goal. So whether it be involving defective cars, or dangerous roads, or even, you know, dangerous products, whatever it is, we’re here to make a difference. And we’re constantly trying to make a bigger impact, to utilize our, you know, our talents and gifts in a way that really impacts the world in the most positive way we can.
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