Trial Lawyer Arash Homampour talks about the importance of to-do lists to stay on track.
I think it’s critical that we have to-do lists. You know, we have so many thoughts going through our head, especially as lawyers with so many cases and so many issues popping up. I mean, I think of stuff in the shower, I think of stuff at 2:00 in the morning. And it’s important to get that down, so I use OneNote. It’s an electronic database, outlined, that it syncs on every device. If I write a to-do on a page in OneNote, it syncs automatically on my phone, so I can add stuff to my phone, delete stuff on my computer. So, for me, I’m just, you know, so anal about keeping track of things to do, because for me that’s the best way to get things done, is to keep track of them and then knock them, you know, go through each one and get them done. So for me to-do lists are critical. And I’ve been teaching other lawyers to do to-do lists ever since I started teaching, you know, what I do. For example, if you’re involved in a case and the topic comes up that you know you want to move in limine to bar, you got to keep track. So we have a list of motion in limines, that we, all the weird topics that come up at depositions or the defense attorney makes a casual comment about that we know we need to move to exclude, I keep track of those things. That way, that when, you know, when you get to trial, you’re prepared. Every wacky issue that is going to come up that can hurt your case that shouldn’t come up you’re gonna address.