We’re delighted to announce that Arash Homampour was featured in the first video from the Master Practice Story series highlighting successful attorneys from the Plaintiff’s Bar.
In this 8 minute video you’ll hear Arash’ own story plus some great insight and advice for other attorneys who are looking to make a difference in their client’s lives.
A big thank you to www.powerliens.com | www.verdictvideos.com for their help in pulling this together.
I graduated from Southwestern, basically in the middle of the class. I didn’t have a job. I didn’t have a mentor. I didn’t really have any money and I had to really just make my own way. And so, while initially it difficult to not have the opportunities a lot of attorneys have, it was the best thing for me to having because that allowed me to create everything. When I started out, I literally had no cases, no money, no mentor, nothing. And all I had was a confidence and determination to make a difference in the world and to help people. It was maybe a couple years in that I went to a CAALA convention seminar and saw some of the attorneys speak and really identified with them because they were real people, they didn’t occur as your typical lawyer. And you could tell they were in love with, and had a passion about the law. And so for me, it was just like an immediate connection, this is what I want to do, I’m fully capable of doing it. I was taking a lot of cases that other people wouldn’t take because they thought it was too difficult and really turning those into something a simple, you know, concept or a simple theme that anyone can get behind. Usually taking a approach or an angle that the other side really didn’t see coming and simplifying the case in a way that people get behind it. I’m gonna share with you a little secret. The reality is, is that the universe from beginning of time to now loves the underdog. And so many even though we’re up against a large insurance company or a large defense company, justice prevails because we’re leaner, we’re hungrier, we’re passionate about what we want and the jury generally is rooting for the underdog and if you give them a good, compelling story, show how they’re impacted by the case, you’re going to typically get a good result. For younger lawyers just starting out, what I always tell them is number one, be nice. You have to be nice, you have to treat every single human being in in that transaction so that they walk away going, wow, I don’t agree with him, or I’d, you know, I didn’t see that coming, but what a nice, cool, genuine person. So always be nice. Number two, you have to think outside the box. You are not going to get that amazing result following someone else’s formula, reading some book and regurgitating it. You have to be yourself and the only way you’re gonna be yourself is if you really understand what you’re doing and think outside the box, trying new techniques, new approaches. It’s going to take at least two years for you to see any significant difference in your practice. There is no substitute for hard work, there are no shortcuts in life and there are definitely no shortcuts in the practice of law. So essentially you start with smaller cases. You learn how to handle them. You learn the psychology of handling them the financial commitment, the time commitment and then slowly but surely you start handling larger and larger cases until you get a reputation around as someone who’s passionate, who’s hungry, who’s creative, thinking outside the box, not following old patterns and routines, trying on new techniques and just being comfortable in your own skin, that if you express yourself, most of the time that expression is going to land with your audience in a way where they really connect with you and people love people who are comfortable and passionate about what they do. It’s very important for younger and inexperienced attorneys to not be afraid to ask for help because at the end of the day, they’re gonna do better for their clients and they’re gonna do better for themselves in terms of learning how to better handle their cases. We have this list serve where attorneys can ask questions and other attorneys will answer them. And early on, I became very, very active on this list serve, because I could not stand thinking that some lawyer is going to spend half a day or three days researching something and maybe not get the right answer if I know the answer off the top of my head. I happen to understand this area of law, trial practice and everything that goes with it, personal injury, employment, and insurance in a way that I answer so many questions and it really brings joy to me to help other attorneys. Another very important tip is to join the CAALA organization and other statewide plaintiff attorney organizations, because there is camaraderie amongst plaintiff attorneys that you’re not going to find in any other legal profession. We love to help each other, we love to help our clients. You will not find more gracious and kind people than in our organization. Some of the things that younger or inexperienced lawyers should not do are settling cases for less than they’re worth. If you have a case that you know you just don’t have the financial resources or the experience to handle that, don’t do a disservice to that case and to the client, bring one of the, you know, more experienced attorneys on because it’s a win-win situation for you. Number one, you get to tag along and watch how they handle a case and I guarantee you you will learn and better and improve your own practice. Number two, you’re going to get a better financial result for the client and yourself. It’s very important in finding a balance between work and law is really to love yourself and to treat yourself well. You know, many times you’ll see a lot of successful trial lawyers who don’t treat themselves well and you can see it and they burn out and they can’t have a sustained practice. You really have to take care of yourself physically and mentally because the only way you’re gonna be the best in that courtroom and make the best outcome for your client is that you’re at your best physically and mentally. And so, little things like meditation, yoga, you know, it’s being self-aware, reading a lot of books about humans and how they operate and understand who we are lets you connect better with witnesses, with experts, with judges and especially with juries. Some sage advice for younger and experienced lawyers is really, truly believe in yourself, believe in your abilities. If you know that you’re just not cut out or not comfortable in a courtroom, that’s okay, there is a place for you in handling cases, working with other lawyers that may be trial attorneys. But, also, if you know in your heart that you are born to do this, that you come alive, that there’s a passion inside of you that is only gonna be stoked by being in that courtroom, never give up, really just believe in yourself. There is a support system of other lawyers here to help you if you fall, will help pick you up, will talk to you, will empower you, but really just believe in yourself. You’re human, you’re gonna make mistakes, your work product may not always be perfect, but just vare and be passionate and realize at the end of the day this is really not a job. We are entrusted with the most precious thing, which is someone’s life or livelihood and we are their last hope. And so, because this is a profession, and we make such a huge impact, really just love your clients, love their case and love the outcome.