In April 2017 Attorneys Arash Homampour and Scott Boyer successfully obtained a $14.25 million dollar pre-lawsuit settlement for the wrongful death of a 53 year old motorcyclist who left behind a loving wife and three children.
An experienced rider, the decedent was navigating the carpool lane on CA I-105 when he was hit by the defendant driving a rental van. The defense contended that decedent travelled through the double yellow lines without showing due care and was therefore liable for the accident. Not only that, the defense disputed the nature and extent of the damages claimed.
Through impeccable efforts, gathering of eye-witnesses statements and utilizing the latest accident reconstruction techniques, the Homampour team was able to demonstrate that it was in fact the defendant who made the unsafe and illegal move across the double yellow lines, thus colliding with decedent and causing his fatal injuries.
The Homampour team was also able to ascertain that the defendant was working for her employer at the time, making them vicariously liable for the incident. While this enabled the Homampour team to secure a sizeable award for the family, it can never replace their loving husband and father.